Happy stories

Here are some happy stories of our rescued dogs who have found wonderful adoptive families all over the world. You can find more on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Thank you all for your support, for sharing our rescue videos and for helping us find such lovely forever homes!

Bernie and his siblings were found abandoned in a bag, near a countryside road. Now Bernie has his own loving family: after a 1200-mile journey across Europe, he arrived safely at his adoptive home in England and has adjusted well … Continue reading

Buddy (now Roman) was a homeless dog living a hard life on the streets. He was sleeping under cars, relying for survival on the occasional treats offered by kind passersby. The medical investigations revealed the presence of a tumor on his spleen and emergency surgery was performed. Sadly, Roman was diagnosed with incipient lymphoma Continue reading

We found little Zoey abandoned in a forest near the city. She was less than 3 months old when we rescued her, was very lethargic and weak and her fur was all covered in fleas… Continue reading

Little Minnie was a homeless dog roaming the streets. She was rescued by Howl Of A Dog organization and her story traveled more than 10,000 km, from Romania to California, until it reached the hearts of a wonderful family in … Continue reading

Amigo was a stray dog roaming around an industrial area. He was injured at one of his paws and the wound was still bleeding when Howl Of A Dog organization rescued him (Video: https://youtu.be/HD_IolT6Uvk ) In July 2016 Amigo was … Continue reading

We rescued Fram from the side of a busy road, he was walking very disoriented just a few meters away from the oncoming cars. The little puppy was covered in fleas and ticks and had demodectic mange… Continue reading

Kara was rescued from a Romanian public pound where she spent 4 years confined to a cage, deprived not only of proper medical care, but she was also given no socialization or comforts of any kind. She was about 10 … Continue reading

On our way from dropping off a newly-adopted dog at her adoptive family we saw Maya lying in a parking area by the side of a road. It was a very hot summer day and she was resting there in the shade, being extremely thirsty… Continue reading

Ania was a stray dog living in a construction site… Continue reading

Joy was found abandoned on the sidewalk when he was just a newborn puppy. Here is his story from the first day we rescued him until present, with recent pictures from his forever home… Continue reading

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